May 2024




Hotels worldwide now aiming for sustainability

Over 3,000 properties across 80 countries have now been verified under the World Travel & Tourism Council's (WTTC) Hotel Sustainability Basics programme.

Designed to help hoteliers on their first steps to improve their sustainability ratings and raise the bar of sustainability across the global hospitality industry, this independent global sustainability verification programme is overseen by internationally recognised verifiers Green Key and SGS.

The programme empowers hotels of all sizes to follow a 12-step programme aimed at reducing carbon emissions, promoting nature conservation, and ensuring local communities benefit from a hotel's operations.

Basics has achieved full alignment with Green Key, a leading international eco-label for tourism facilities, meaning all Green Key-certified hotels are now in full compliance with Basics and can obtain Basics verification with no extra effort.

"Reaching 3,400 verified properties is not just a milestone," said Julia Simpson, WTTC president & CEO. "It's a clear indication that the industry is ready to embrace sustainability on a global scale. This initiative is about uniting hotels, industry partners, and sustainability standards to create a future that is resilient, responsible, and respectful of our planet."

Major hotel brands which have adopted 'Basics' include Jin Jiang, one of the world's biggest hotel groups with more than 10,000 hotels, European hotel giant Louvre Hotels Group, Choice Hotels, and Radisson Hotel Group.

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